Guest Post Submission Guidelines
Do you have compelling insights to share about betting, gambling, or casinos? Submit to [email protected] with the subject line “GP – 25xbet PITCH-[Article Title].” Please limit your pitch to 8 sentences, addressing who, what, where, when, how, why, and humor if possible. Response time may vary due to submission volume. Expect a reply within 5-7 days max. We typically schedule guest posts 3-4 weeks in advance.
Example Pitch:
Subject Line: GP – 25xbet PITCH-“Winning Strategies for Online Betting”
“My name is [NAME], and my business is [NAME & URL LINK]. I’m proposing a 700-800 word guest post titled ‘Winning Strategies for Online Betting.’ Given your readers’ interest in online betting, this article will share my journey in the betting industry, emphasizing strategies for success. Drawing from my 10 years of experience in online casinos and sports betting, I’ll provide concrete examples and offer 5-10 tips for new bettors. Having successfully managed a popular betting site for 5 years, I can deliver the guest post in 3 days.”
What We Look For:
- Interesting, insightful, and motivational content
- Content related to betting, gambling, and casinos
- Advice or tips from industry experts
- Minimum of 800 words per article
- Uniquely written by you
- Exclusive to (not published elsewhere)
- 2-sentence bio to be included with the post (including link to site or blog)
Our Audience:
- Mainly in the United States, but with a global reach
- Betting and gambling enthusiasts
- Casino players and sports bettors
- Individuals looking for tips and strategies in the betting industry
We look forward to considering your guest post contribution!
Contact Mail: [email protected]